Bart “Forest“ Scheepers nominated for the “Greenest Person Award“ 2017

Since 2012, outstanding environmental engagement and volunteering activities outside work duties by single persons or small groups are honoured on a yearly basis with the “Greenest Person Award”. This initiative was proposed during the SEKISUI Global Children Eco Summit in 2012. The winners are chosen by all SEKISUI employees worldwide. Bart Scheepers is one of eight nominated candidates in 2017. See below what ideas and activities he implemented in his daily life.

Volunteering work in the family forest

Bart “Forest” Scheepers. The name says everything. The Manager in the Quality Assurance department of SEKISUI S-Lec in Roermond spends his free time with environmental activities in the family forest. By planting new young oak trees Bart makes a contribution to the forest’s sustainability and ensures green surroundings for the next generations. Moreover, he makes the forest accessible for local childcare and Boy Scout organisations. By visiting it, the participants can engage in various activities like keeping the forest healthy and clean. This great investment in the future shows young children how beautiful and precious the forest is.

Bart is not the only environmentally-conscious person in his family. He also passes his passion on his 3-years old son Loek, who has been educated to harvest and cherish what nature provides. The youngster helps Bart planting vegetables and fruits in their garden.

Energy efficiency at home

One forest resource has a special impact on Bart Scheepers daily life. First and foremost his family is using the lumber as firewood to heat their house. “Did you know that 1 kg of wood rotting in a forest generates the same amount of CO2 when 1 kg of wood is burnt? This makes wood burning not only CO2 neutral, but also saves the consumption of natural gas, which is normally used to heat the houses in the Netherlands”, Bart points out.

Bart invested in the energy efficiency of his house. He bought a “high efficiency” wood stove and installed a “smart” thermostat. The heating of the house is switched on/off automatically based on the GPS position of all family members.

It is great to have such a “green” person in our SEKISUI family. The nomination is more than deserved. Good luck!

Voting procedure

The voting will take place from 15th November to 31st December. On the following page you have the possibility to vote for your favourite candidate. For ID and password, please contact your HR department.


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