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SEKISUI Eslon honoured by Ebay as Top Rated-Seller
Apart from its own online shop, SEKISUI Eslon is also selling gutter sets on the German online marketplace of eBay. Although it’s very challenging for a Dutch company to enter the German market, SEKISUI Eslon has made it happen and the sales figures are increasing constantly.
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KAIZEN Convention 2015
SEKISUI Diagnostics successfully hosted the 5th European KAIZEN Convention on 10th and 11th November 2015 at Kent, England. The European entities held an internal competition at the beautiful Tudor Park Marriot Hotel to nominate the best team from Europe for the global competition in January 2016. Linked to the KAIZEN Convention the annual Plant Manager Meeting on 11th and 12th November and the Safety Associates Meeting on 11th November were held.
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