Advasol product launch
On 8th March 2016 Sekisui Specialty Chemicals launched a new product called Advasol Water Soluble Films. Advasol is a line of films intended to package harsh and complex chemicals for household cleaning, pool and spa upkeep, industrial maintenance and agricultural applications. The films provide manufacturers a convenient method for unit dosing that reduces packaging, ensures precise dosing and dissolving, and limits handler exposure.
What sets Advasol films apart from others is its unique capability to contain chemicals previously considered too aggressive for this form of packaging. Advasol formulations are environmentally friendly, leaving no eco-toxic residue when decomposed. The name ’Advasol’ and its tagline are a combination of the films’ characteristics and the company’s promise to be a leader in future product innovation: “Advanced Solubility. Advanced Solutions”. By extending the range of chemical compatibility, Advasol films have opened up the water soluble films market for a completely new set of customers.
Advasol was officially unveiled at the European Cleaning Products show in Rome, Italy on 8th March. The films were received with excitement by conference attendees, and the new capabilities for harsh chemicals sparked initial conversations that will hopefully grow into fruitful business relationships with these companies.

ChemMed Tarragona – Mediterranean Chemical Cluster
The project “ChemMed Tarragona” was born as a result of the alliance of Tarragona Chemical Business Association (AEQT, its acronym in Spanish) and Port of Tarragona. Its ambition is to raise awareness for the attractiveness and competitiveness of the area for industry, research and logistics of chemistry. As a member of AEQT, Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe is a strong supporter of ChemMed Tarragona. It brings together stakeholders, companies, training and research centres, university and administrations in order to attract and generate new investments to secure the future of the area’s chemistry, industry and economy.