SEKISUI S-Lec, lucky winner of the 5th KAIZEN Convention last year in Kent, England, was invited to join and present its European project at the 50th Global KAIZEN Convention on 15th January 2016 in Kyoto, Japan.
Every year, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. invites the representative groups of each area – Japan, North America / Mexico, China, Europe, and Asia-Oceania – to this presentation convention. This time, a total of 21 representative groups gave presentations about their KAIZEN activities to share information and ideas. KAIZEN Activities are an initiative that allows employees in each workplace to form small groups to address various topics such as improvements in quality and productivity and increasing operational efficiency.
The winner of this year’s Global KAIZEN Convention is:
Gold Prize: Team “SAP3-Advance” from TOKUYAMA SEKISUI INDUSTRY CO., LTD.

Congratulations to the winners for their fantastic work and inspiring ideas!