Sekisui Specialty Chemicals’ latest product, Advasol Water Soluble Films, was recently awarded 2nd place for Greenest Product at the International Pool and Spa Show. The show took place in New Orleans in November 2016. It was drawing attendance of over 11,000 professionals from across the globe to view and discuss the latest pool and spa technologies.
Advasol Water Soluble Films was awarded Greenest Product based on its capability to package harsh pool chemicals, sometimes dangerous to handle, and still dissolve leaving no eco-toxic residue. Chlorine is the perfect example of this type of chemical. While chlorine is an integral part of pool sanitation, it leaves the hands of pool service people dry, rough, and cracked after repeated exposure. It is also an irritant if inhaled. Previous packaging involved a clear cover that service persons would have to remove before dosing the pool; limiting though not eliminating exposure. Previous attempts to package chlorine with water soluble film failed because the chemistry of the film would react to the chlorine powder, leaving the film brittle and insoluble. Advasol Films have a patented formulation that maintains integrity and dissolvability, even when packaging harsh chemicals like chlorine and bromine.

Advasol captures plenty of attention from chemical manufacturers, distributors and pool servicing companies. The Advasol team is very hopeful about how this series of films will be received by other target industries in the upcoming year.
Learn more about Advasol Water Soluble Films in following article: