Javier Rojo from Sekisui Specialty Chemicals was the lucky winner of the Football Bet at the SEKISUI European Football Tournament 2017. He handed over the cheque with the prize money of 430 EUR to the non-profit organisation of his choice: “AFANOC – Ninos con cancer”.
It was the first time at the Football Tournament 2017, SEKISUI employees had the chance to bet on the team of their choice for a charitable purpose. Javier Rojo did well by betting on his own team – HISPANIA FC. Therefore, he could not only hold the winner’s trophy in his hands, but also a voucher for 430 EUR.

A few weeks later Javier visited the organisation “AFANOC – Ninos con cancer” to hand over the prize money to Naiara Mestres, the director in the Tarragona office.

The organisation (AFANOC – Associació de Nens amb Cáncer) was founded in 1987 in Barcelona. Currently, it has 3 offices sited in Barcelona, Lérida and Tarragona. The mission of the organisation is to improve the quality of children with cancer and their families. It supports the families in the disease process, when the children overcome the disease and come back home or even in case of death.
In order to meet these objectives, AFANOC distributes its tasks in different areas. They offer e.g. psychological attention and emotional support, apartments near the hospital for the relatives, provide volunteers, support in schools and do much more.
Besides these support, the organisation organises many activities for the children and their families e.g. Christmas parties, excursions and summer stays.
Naiara Mestres was very grateful about SEKISUI’s contribution. The money was allocated for the Christmas gift’s purchase.
We are happy to see, where the donation arrived and want to thank everyone who participated at the first ever bet. We will keep our fingers crossed for you and your organization next time!