On the 21st August SEKISUI Alveo in Bad Sobernheim organised its 3rd information day for employees. On this day the employees had the chance to gain insight into business procedures, processes and technologies of the company.
The information day was established in 2014 with the aim to ensure all employees have a standardised level of information on various topics and projects within the company. Moreover, to strengthen their sense of belonging to the company and their understanding of other departments. To realise this year’s information day the operation was shut down so that all employees could actually participate. Approximately 90 employees were divided into small groups of 10 to 12 people each and went through 8 stations according to a prepared scheme.

Product presentations of various divisions
This year, the Quality Division presented the growing short-roll business with a special focus on product and quality requirements. At this station, information was provided on how the product needs to be wound in order to avoid customer complaints.
The ESH division – with a special focus on the topic of safety – presented the results of the global safety survey with the important topic of “reel handling” and “avoidance of cutting injuries”. This station was carried out in the newly installed “Safety Dojo”.
The maintenance division dealt with the topic “force” and questions such as “What do strength classes mean on a bolt? What problems arise when a bolt is twisted too tight?” and many more. The theoretical part was complemented by practical exercises to show what happens, when a bolt is torn off by using torque wrenches.

The production area “Foam” dealt with raw material dosing and the use of volumetric or gravimetric dosing. The production area Lamination introduced the employees to the process step “hole punching”, in which foams are provided with a defined hole pattern over the entire width by means of a punching tool. At the station Technology, employees received information on the stages of product and process development and the status of current development projects.

Contribution of headquarter in Lucerne
As in previous years, the headquarters in Lucerne contributed again to the information day. The business unit Adhesive Coating and Flooring, represented by Sonja Santhiram, led the colleagues through the world of flexographic printing.

Evaluation of the information day
The management of the plant in Bad Sobernheim presented the survey results of the SEKISUI employee survey with a special focus on the challenges of the upcoming months.
As the previous one, this information day was again very positively received by the employees. In a feedback questionnaire, 71% of the employees were positive, 23% even very positive. Only a share of 6% was only partially satisfied or dissatisfied with the implementation.