Interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds is an important part of everyday working life – especially when being employed in a global company like SEKISUI. Not only language skills but also habits and behavior play a major role when meeting colleagues. Based on different communication styles encounters can often be complicated or cause a clash of different perceptions and expectations. In order to help employees from European companies to improve their intercultural competences, SEKISUI offered an intercultural communication workshop last week.
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With the construction of a new production plant for thermal interface materials for environmentally friendly vehicles SEKISUI is expanding its business in Europe. The plant operations are planned to start in spring of 2020 – the construction was started with a ground-breaking ceremony on February 4th.
The beginning of 2019 marked an important phase of the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group. While the fiscal year 2019 is the final year of the Medium-term Management Plan and the end of SHIFT 2019 – FUSION –, the year we will also be about creating the next Medium-term Management Plan.
SEKISUI is again one of the most sustainable companies in the world!
SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. has been ranked again as one of the “Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” by the Canadian organisation “Corporate Knights”.
Natural Capital Coalition Collaboration Day 2018
In November 2018, Manabu Okubo from the SEKISUI Environmental Management Group attended the Natural Capital Coalition Collaboration Day in Paris as part of Natural Capital Week*. The event was held in Palais Brongniart, an exhibition center in the heart of Paris. Kate Gilmartin from SEKISUI Overseas Management Group was there and gives a short event report:
SEKISUI Environment Week: SEKISUI Diagnostics got rid of useless plastics
Even though – or rather because – SEKISUI Chemical Group is a leading company in plastic business, we all are aware of the difference between useful and useless plastic products. It is important to have this in mind when caring for the environment, especially during the SEKISUI Environment Week. SEKISUI Diagnostics in Kent, GB, had chosen a tough challenge for this year: during one week in October 2018, it was time to say goodbye to useless plastic products.