In October 2016, SEKISUI conducted a survey under its employees to learn about their needs and wishes. Over 22,000 people, including thirteen different languages, took part in the survey. Based on the results of the survey SEKISUI S-Lec established a new career programme for its employees.
Why the survey results matter
The survey gives SEKISUI an insight into the feelings of workgroups, departements and the entire organisation. Managers can use the results as a starter for honest conversations with their team members and help them to understand the individual needs of the specific workgroup. These insights provide the foundation for developing new action plans to make changes. The information, which were provided by the survey, will help SEKISUI to improve its culture and will assist in meeting the mission and vision.
SEKISUI S-Lec B.V. takes the survey results to start a new programme
SEKISUI S-Lec B.V. recognised that some of its employees weren’t fully content with their current situation. This feeling was confirmed by the “Global Engagement Survey”, in which 130 employees of SEKISUI S-Lec participated. After the survey and its results were made public, the management team of SEKISUI S-Lec, which covers 20 persons, started to discuss and analyse the results. They identified two main issues that will be focused in the future actions:
- Career development
- Communication
And SEKISUI S-Lec B.V. has already taken first steps to tackle these issues.
The Career Development Programme
Therefore the Human Ressource team of SEKISUI S-Lec B.V. evolved a plan for a career development programme, which covers systematically the complete workforce of SEKISUI S-Lec B.V. They decided to go for the “Blanchard concept” due to its simplicity and flexibility. These qualities allow them to apply the concept in all areas of the organisation.
The “Ken Blanchard Situational Leadership Training” is one of the most taught leadership models worldwide. It teaches leaders to diagnose the needs of an individual or a team. And to use the appropriate leadership style to respond to the needs based on the individual diagnosis. The programme was designed for individuals, teams and whole organisations and equips people of all levels. The concept of Blanchard consists of two steps: First a personality check is conducted followed by a three day training course. This course covers the development of competencies like leadership styles, optimal motivation training etc.

The process has already started
Since the members of the HR team run through an official certification process authorised by the Ken Blanchard company the Career Development Programme can be facilitated internally. The programme has already started and 50 people are intended to join it by the end of 2017.
“It is important that all employees speak the same language. By running through the same development programme a mutual understanding in the way of communication should be established which should also improve the communication within the company.”, says Guy Heijthuijzen, Manager Human Resources & General Affairs of SEKISUI S-Lec B.V.
Future challenges
The next challenges will be to implement the theory into daily situations, to use the appropriate leadership style and create a shared language of leadership within the organisation. The last challenges links to SEKISUI S-Lec B.V.‘s second focus point “Communication”. A concrete plan for measuring is under development, however, it was already decided that supervisors will be better involved in the future way of communication. Furthermore the employees will have faster and direct opportunities to address their concerns as well as their feedback.