SEKISUI QESH Managers are responsible for plant development in terms of Quality, Environment, Safety and Health. In February, the “E” was the most important letter on their agenda. They met for the third time in Spain at SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals to learn from Japanese colleagues about the current environmental plans and how to implement them.
The get-together of the European QESH Managers was held at the plant of SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals in Tarragona, Spain.
Day 1: Learning about the Mid-Term-Environmental-Plan and CO2 reduction
The main goal of the meeting was announced at the beginning of the first day: The managers should learn how to make a CO2 reduction business plan for their own plant. According to this goal, the meeting was set-up with different presentations and active workshops.
You all are aware of the Mid-Term Management Plan called “FUSION”, which is lived by every European SEKISUI company after it was published. SEKISUI Environmental Management Group also provides regularly the Mid-Term-Environmental-Plan, which reflects the long-term vision how environmental activities can help to return the natural capital.
Isamu Nagafusa from SEKISUI Environmental Management Group gave deeper insights to understanding the target and key measures of the current Mid-Term-Environmental-Plan. After that, Koji Kusumoto explained the CO2 reduction plan and Akihiro Ueda showed up policies to promote CO2 reduction activities.
After this helpful background information, the active part of the meeting started. The participants were divided into 2 groups and studied case examples from their own sites that were provided by the Japanese colleagues.

Day 2: Sharing knowledge and finding solutions to reduce CO2
Beginning of day 2 was all about experiencing the production facilities of SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals. The participants should get a better understanding of the processes and the work which is done there. So the whole group, including the Japanese guests, went on a plant tour in Tarragona.
After that, the highlight of the meeting followed. It was up to the QESH Managers to develop a better way of CO2 reduction for SEKISUI Specialty Chemicals on the basis of everything they learnt and experienced before.
When setting up the plan for reducing CO2 emissions, they considered the 3 most important points: reduce energy consumption, the use of renewable energies and fix CO2.
At the end of the meeting, the managers presented their outcome to the other workshop group and the participants from SEKISUI Environmental Management Group. Everyone was happy about all the ideas and the input. So, developing an CO2 reduction plan for their own site should be easy. And the managers were even more amazed to hear, that the meeting from now on will be set up every year with different topics.