SEKISUI team spirit at the Houston Marathon

Staying active, train for a great race and strengthening the team spirit. This was the motivation of six Sekisui Specialty Chemicals employees to run the Houston Marathon this year.  We wondered how the training sessions went alongside work and what suggestions the sportive runners have.

2019 marks the third year Sekisui Specialty Chemicals (SSC) has sponsored a race team for the Houston Marathon. With an R&D facility and production plant in the same city, there are quite a few SSC employees interested in running activities. This year’s race team consisted of six Sekisui Specialty Chemicals employees with varied running experience: For some, this was their first marathon or half marathon. For others, this was only one race among many this year. Most of the team members ran a half marathon, which is 21.1 km or 13.1 miles. Several people also ran a 5 km race the day before the marathon.

SEKISUI interviewed four of the team members to find out more about the time and effort involved to train for these distances alongside work and family responsibilities.

Phil Sayles, Process Control Engineer: 1 full marathon, 4 half marathons

Kevin Therault, Process Engineer: 1 full marathon, 3 half marathons

Hidehiro (Hide) Yamaguchi, R&D Chemist/Liaison Manager: First time marathoner

Craig Chapman, Operator: 3 5ks

How many miles have you run in total training for this race?

Phil: 150 miles (approximately 241 km).

Kevin: 200 miles as tracked by my running app (approximately 322 km).

Hide: I do not know exactly, but probably 70-100 miles in total (approximately 112 to 160 km).

Craig: I tried to do 3-4 miles per week leading up to this 5 km. In total I ran 150 miles in (approximately 240 km).

How many days or months have you been training for this race?

Phil: Roughly 5 months for this race, though I have been running fairly consistently since we started training for our first marathon 3 years ago after Memorial Day 2016.

Kevin: For the full marathon training, I started 7 months prior. For half marathons, it has usually been less, closer to 4-6 months.

Hide: I started training for this race in August 2018, but I started to run in 2016 to reduce my weight.

Craig: I train the entire year to keep my body at an even energy level.

What was the most difficult thing about training for this race?

Phil: Finding time and energy to train after my second child was born (August).

Kevin: Injuries! I did not get hurt in training this year too bad, but every time I train I fight shin splints – this year was no exception.

Hide: I was not too strict on training.  When I started to run in 2016, I ran far too much (100 km/month). This running form is not appropriate for marathon. I had a serious knee problem in summer and could not even walk properly. I went to physical therapy and improved my running style. Now I can run again.

Craig: The hardest part for me is training and completing road work (running on streets outside).

Do you have any suggestions for first-time marathon or half marathon runners?

Phil: Get fitted properly. Go for good shoes and pay attention to which clothes you wear.

Kevin: One thing I realized when first getting into running is controlling my weight. It may be counterintuitive, but when you start running more, you think you are going to lose weight. What happens is your appetite increases along with your metabolism, and when you have weeks where you do not run as much, you can end up gaining weight. I think with the marathon in 2017, I ended up gaining about 5 pounds. Not too bad, but noticeable. Since then, I have been able to do a better job of maintaining weight while running.

Hide: Again, not too much training.  Make sure to know the proper running form for the long runs. Enjoy running!

Craig: For first- time runners I would say ‘time yourself to set a pace you are comfortable with’. I try to start slow, so I can have enough strength for the last leg of the race. It is a race against yourself; set your own pace!

What do you think about while you were running?

Phil: I actually think about the same type of things I think about as when I am in the shower, only for a much longer period of time

Kevin: I am listening to music most of the time. Apart from that, I am not really sure… probably lots of things, like work, what things I need to take care of around the house, monitoring my pace – I may pay more attention to that now!

Hide: What kind of beer is the best after half marathon?  Which hamburger shop is the best after half marathon!

Craig: I try to ignore the fact that I am running by playing my headphones loud!

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