SEKISUI Europe B.V. (SEBV), European headquarters of the SEKISUI Chemical Group, was formed in April 2017. But what faces are actually behind this name and what is the European headquarters’ aim? Today, we would like to present to you the six-person team*.
The main task of SEKISUI Europe B.V. is to support all SEKISUI companies in Europe by strengthening their base. As a regional headquarter, SEBV wants to take care of anything that might be a disruptive element for a smooth business process. Its aim is to guarantee trouble-free work for every European company.
In addition to this, SEBV wants to coordinate FUSION between the different companies in Europe and help to create greater achievements. By talking to each other and working with each other, the different companies shall act as one unity, as one SEKISUI. If the regional headquarter supports the companies in their needs and the companies cooperate with each other, the European businesses can succeed even more and reach higher goals.
Moreover, the regional headquarter wants to make SEKISUI known in Europe and strengthen its brand – representing one unity of diverse European companies.
Let us introduce the six team members including their main tasks and aims:
Hiroshi Kobayashi: Managing Director of SEKISUI Europe B.V.

Hiroshi Kobayashi, Managing Director of SEKISUI Europe B.V. since the beginning of 2018, aims at building a strong and collaborative relationship with the European companies and creating a strong connection point in form of the regional headquarters.
He also aims at building a good relationship between the different companies: He wants to coordinate FUSION between the European companies and thus support them to reach even higher goals. In his opinion, having a collaborative SEKISUI network across Europe allows all companies and all employees to learn from and help each other, thus contributing to achieving both individual and personal goals.
On top of that, Hiroshi Kobayashi wants to enable a trouble-free work environment for every European company, especially in terms of compliance. He wants to listen to the companies and support them on all aspects needed, such as compliance, HR topics, legal matters, accounting or IT.
Hiroshi Kobayashi is looking forward to the next years and wants to show how all companies can benefit from each other.
Kunihiko Okada: Head of Human Resources
Kunihiko Okada joined SEKISUI Europe in July 2018 and is responsible for Human Resources (HR) activities in Europe. He wants to support the local HR activities of the European companies and make sure that both existing and new employees feel comfortable and have a positive experience as part of SEKISUI.
As contact person to the Japanese headquarters as well as the European companies, he would like to effectively implement the global HR policy in Europe and support the development of a SEKISUI HR culture of empowerment. In his opinion, this is one important step to satisfy our existing employees as well as attracting new talent.
Kunihiko Okada is also aiming at strengthening the communication between the European HR departments and the HR department in Japan. And he sees himself as supporter of expats in Europe – wherever they need any help.
Besides the professional challenges Kunihiko Okada is looking forward to the experiences he and his family will make in Europe.

Uwe Keller: Human Resources Manager

Uwe Keller sees himself as a mediator between Japan and Europe. He is mainly supporting Japanese expats to cope with German authorities, such as the aliens department. Uwe is in contact with the expats and helps them regarding topics like the residence permit and working permit.
In his role as HR manager in the European headquarters, Uwe aims at building and strengthening the bridge between the Japanese headquarters and the European companies – to drive topics related to Human Resources and working at SEKISUI in Europe. He is one of the main contact persons for the European HR managers as well as for the Overseas Management Group
Uwe is also involved in the organization of events such as the European HR meeting, KAIZEN conventions and the Global Children’s Eco Summit.
Masayuki Hosobuchi: Controller (Finance & Accounting)
Masayuki Hosbuchi is responsible for the financial and administrative control and insurance management of the European companies. He is supporting the local companies regarding their finance and accounting activities and manages the overall expenses.
Masayuki Hosobuchi is the person in charge of the account processing, closing and cash management. On top, he is also preparing all SEBV data for the Board Directors meeting as well as the Stakeholders Meeting.
When thinking about his role in the European headquarters, he wants to strengthen the lines of communication between the Finance & Accounting department in the Japanese headquarters and the European companies. He also believes that all employees and companies can benefit from collaboration and therefore would like to work together to optimize the different finance, insurance and accounting processes in Europe.

Shinji Yasukata: IT Manager

Shinji Yasukata is in charge of the IT related SEKISUI global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), indicated by the Japanese headquarters. This task includes the installation of professional IT systems for different European companies, such as SEKISUI S-Lec and SEKISUI Chemical GmbH.
He wants to support the European companies regarding IT-related topics to further strengthen their business and build up sustainable IT solutions.
Shinji Yasukata also aims at increasing the relationship and communication with the Japanese headquarters and making sure that the European and Japanese goals are in balance.
Katharina Moritz: Marketing Communications Specialist
Katharina Moritz joined SEKISUI Europe in April 2018 and manages both the internal and external communication for SEKISUI in Europe. She is the key contact person for all European companies as well as the Japanese headquarters. In coordination with the companies Katharina wants to develop an integrated annual communication on SEKISUI in Europe and aims at reaching the European employees as well as external partners. The European Newsroom, the Facebook page, LinkedIn and the Group Magazine are the main channels Katharina is responsible for.
Katharina wants to learn what the European colleagues need and wants to support them wherever she can. She is aiming for a continuous exchange with all companies – to learn from each other and support each other.
While doing her job, one of her focuses is always on the corporate brand. Katharina is of the opinion that a uniform branding is essential when strengthening the brand SEKISUI in Europe.
Katharina is also responsible for corporate events such as the SEKISUI European Football Tournament.

*One additional team member, Lena Tiedeken, is currently on maternity leave.